@2020-07-09 16:00:00


# 中国没按美国期望的方式发展,就是欺骗?

周波 [ 底线思维 ](javascript:void\(0\);)

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【文/ 周波,翻译/观察者网 杨晗轶】





























**US Headed Down Dangerous Path in its Ties with China**

China. China. China. Eyeing the election in November, US President Donald
Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden are vying in a contest to be the
bigger China hawk. Being tough on Beijing is now seen as a key test of a
presidential candidate’s fitness for office.

The trust between Beijing and Washington today appears even lower than that
between Washington and Moscow during the Cold War. At least scientists in the
former Soviet Union and the United States were able to collaborate on the
development of a polio vaccine.

The hostility from the US is notsimply one of election campaign point-scoring.
It finds a place in and is amplified by official strategic policy documents as

The “United States Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China”
released on May 20 starts with disappointment that China’s“rapid economic
development and increased engagement with the world did not lead to
convergence with the citizen-centric, free and open order as the United States
had hoped” and concludes that the US has to prepare for long-term strategic
competition between two systems, including a tolerance of greater bilateral


If the premise of an argument is wrong, the conclusion can hardly be right.
Beijing has never coaxedWashington into believing that it will become what the
US had hoped for. On the contrary, China has closely guarded against any
external attempts to destabilise its social system and governance.Washington’s
chagrin that things did not go its way confirms to Beijing that its
declaration that “United States policies are not premised on an attempt to
change the PRC’s domestic governance model” is but hypocritical.

The US strategic report further asserts that the Chinese Communist Party has
attempted to reshape the international system in its favor. No. In the last
four decades, China has reshaped itself to adapt to the international system.

China’s integration with the international system includes changing its
planned economy into a market economy. What’s more, learning advanced
technology and management from the West has remade China.

Today, China, as the world’s second-largest economy, has every reason to
strengthen the international system, even if most of the rules and regimes of
the system are designed by the West.

Therefore, there is no such thing as competition between “two systems” even if
China remains a socialist country.

Ironically, while China becomes further integrated into the international
system, the US is moving itself out of the system it was instrumental in
creating.Guided by its “America First” policy, the Trump administration
doesn’t even pretend to honour its

international obligations.

The China-US relationship is not one of competition, but “copetition”, a mix
of cooperation and competition. The question is how to make cooperation
prevail over competition or, in the worst-case scenario, ensure that
competition doesn’t spill over into conflict. Beijing’s persistent call for
“no conflict, no confrontation” illuminates its preferred approach on how this
competition should be managed.

Consider this: How many more American lives would have been lost to Covid-19
if Beijing had chosen the retaliatory route and demanded that unless
Washington lifted its sanctions against Huawei and stopped threatening
European countries from using its 5G technology, it would stop exports of much
needed Chinese medical supplies to the US?

Foreign Minister Wang Yi noted in late May that China had exported over 12
billion masks to the US, or roughly 40 for every American. It is sad to see
the US, the country worst hit by Covid-19, deciding to intensify its
competition with China at a time when the world looks to both countries to
lead the fight against the pandemic.

Infectious diseases typically open up opportunities for international
cooperation in combating what is after all a common threat. China and the US
joined hands in response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak
in2003. In September 2005, the presidents of both countries worked out a set
of “Ten Core Principles” on global pandemic response, which were later
supported by 88 nations and international agencies. In 2014,Chinese and
American scientists even worked side by side in a Chinese laboratory in Sierra
Leone. In 2016, the two countries agreed in a memorandum of understanding to
jointly provide public health and disease control training in Africa.

Currently, there is indeed a form of “healthy” China-US competition available:
a contest between the two major powers to produce effective vaccine doses and
make them also available to the rest of the world. Right now, five candidate
vaccines are being tested in China.

President Xi Jinping has promised to make Chinese vaccines a global public
good, along with a US$2 billion (S$2.8 billion) aid package for pandemic-hit
countries within two years. China has also announced the suspension of debt
repayments from 77developing countries.

Mr. Trump hopes a vaccine would be in place before the end of the year and has
said he aims to get it to Americans as soon as it is available.While looking
after one’s citizens is to be expected of national leaders, the worry is that
“vaccine nationalism” would kick in in a world short of supplies. Recent
reports of US efforts to corner supplies of the antiviral drug remdesivir are
not assuring.

Needless to say, Mr.Trump’s announcement of cutting ties with the World Health
Organisation provoked an international outcry.

A series of strategic mistakes after the Cold War has led the US to be mired
in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, sapping its national strength. But
no mistake will be more consequential than taking China on as America’s
primary strategic competitor.

The Chinese economy is widely assumed to surpass that of the US in about 10 to
15 years. The gap between the Chinese and American military is closing. No
American allies, at least because of their close economic ties with China,
wish to take sides with America in a showdown with China. Meanwhile, China and
Russia are getting closer, in part because both are deemed by the US as its
main competitors.


No one knows what China-US relations might look like in the future. What we do
know is that we cannot return to the past even if they were not really good

I used to consider China-US decoupling an act akin to pulling capillaries from
the body, but I am less convinced now. While it is still premature to argue
that we have entered a new cold war, things do seem to be moving in that
direction. The only common ground between Beijing and Washington these days
seems to be a desire to avoid military conflict. And even then, the US Navy’s
high-pitched freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea are
raising the risks of miscalculation.

In 2015, Mr. Bill Gates warned that the greatest threat to the world was “not
missiles, but microbes”. We know how true it is now. If competition is the
bitter angel of human nature, then no vaccine is available for major power
competition. But we also have better angels of our nature. In the middle of
the ever-raging pandemic, we should let them prevail and bring out the best of
who we are.





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